Follower transition of celebrities and celebrities Popularity ranking We analyze the data of twitter and pick up the celebrities who buzzed. In addition, it graphs the increase / decrease information for the past year at the maximum.
Terms of use 1 We have taken all possible measures to ensure the data, but we do not guarantee perfection. The creator is not liable for any damages caused by using this application.
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The Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall be the exclusive agreement jurisdictional court of the first instance for disputes concerning this agreement.
Terms of use 3 These Terms of Use stipulate the terms of use of this service. The user shall use this service in accordance with these terms of use.
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Terms of use 4 If you would like to contact the creator, please contact us. [info $] * Please convert $ to @.
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We will be tolerant to some extent, but if you think that it deviates from the rules of SNS, we will strictly respond.
* We are willing to cooperate with investigative agencies.
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